

This is an extensive list of all of the smaller plugins not mentioned elsewhere. This is usually because they either didn't fit into an area, or they were simply very small and do one particular job, but I still feel they're worth being mentioned and explained Each will get its own little section below:


This plugin makes it so that any axe, except wooden and stone ones, when they mine a bottom block of a tree, they will chop down the entire tree. This can be toggled if the player chooses by using /qt toggle. It is recommended to not use this around houses, as it should ignore the logs if near any particular blocks such as glass or planks, but still may break all logs.


Quickshop is our plugin that allows playershops as well as selling of items that belong to plugins, such as the slimefun items. A Quickshop can be set up by Shift+right-clicking a chest while holding the item you wish to sell, a message in chat will ask you how much you wish to sell the item for, type in the amount, then place any of that item into the chest. You can use /qs price (amount) to change the price without breaking the chest.


The player can marry another player, married players will have a benefit when near their partner, as well as having an additional sethome that is shared between the two of them (plus a heart prefix before their name). Married players can use: /marry gift, /marry chat, /marry tp, and /marry home(sethome). This costs 200$ in-game and 50$ to set a home.
Married partners also get an increased exp rate when within 500 blocks of each other.


This plugin is the main way to receive money in-game. You're able to take 3 jobs, which you automatically gain money by doing the task described by the job title.

Commands Usage/Details
/jobs browse View all the job options.
/jobs join (jobname) Join the job typed into the command, it must be listed from /jobs browse
/jobs leave (jobname) Leave the job written.
/jobs stats View the current level of each job you have.


This adds throwable axes and knives. Throwing knives can be thrown a longer distance and automatically come back to the player, however axes deal high damage and drop where they land. You can throw the weapon by left-clicking while holding it.


This plugin record the player's on-time and allows them to check it by doing /ar check. At certain milestones, the player will gain a new rank automatically and this will give them access to new commands and give them a new prefix that reflects their rank. The ranks are listed below along with the benefits of reaching each rank and the playtime needed to reach them.

Rank Perks Required Play-time
Newcomer Basic Permissions -
Settler Shop creation, /seen, /back, 2 sethomes 3 Hours
Citizen Back on death, 3 homes, /workbench, disposal Signs 24 Hours
Knight /echest, /book, Color chat, 4 homes 3 days;72 Hours
Noble 5 homes, /weather, /feed, /heal. Can have 2 class "accounts" 7 days;168 Hours
King Unlimited homes, Can have 3 class accounts, /fly, Prefix can be changed to king/queen and recolored apon request. 3 weeks;500 Hours