
Land Claims

We have 2 plugins which are our main ways of preventing grief and claiming whats yours. Its up to you which ever you choose to use. Griefprevention is a bit easier to use, whereas Towny is more complex and meant for a group of people but can assist in making claims a bit more personalized when with friends, or simply to make friends and invite them to live near you.


Over time, while you play, you gain "Claim blocks" every hour. These blocks can be used to make and expand your claims further. You can see if an area is claimed by right clicking the area with a stick. If there is no claim in the area, you can use a Golden shovel, right click the ground at one corner and right click again at the opposite corner in a large square around the area you wish to be yours. If you have the correct amount of claim blocks, the area will now be yours.

Commands Usage/Details
/trust (username) Allows the user to use your claim entirely.
/abandonclaim (/abandonallclaims) Abandon (deletes from ownership) the claim you're standing in if you're the owner. (Abandonallclaims abandons all, even those you're not standing in).
/buyclaimblocks (number of blocks) Claimblocks can be bought, this is a less time consuming, but more expensive way of obtaining claim blocks